At Toorak Ortho, each smile is uniquely crafted by our devoted orthodontists.

We're proud to offer an exceptional level of personalised care. Our experienced orthodontists, Dr. Robinson and Dr. Mike, collaborate to create a tailored treatment plan just for you.

About us

What sets us apart is our commitment to hands-on care. From placing brackets at the beginning of your treatment, to routine wire changes and even removing your braces at the end of treatment, our orthodontists handle every step, ensuring you achieve the best results.

This approach allows us to closely monitor your progress, make precise adjustments, and provide immediate attention to any specific needs. It reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standard of care and achieving the best outcomes for our patients. We're dedicated to your well-being and the pursuit of a confident, radiant smile.

Toorak Ortho team photo


If you have more specific questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us at Toorak Ortho.